Complete a Restaurant Food Challenge

Another two-fer! This one a victory and a fail! I wanted to wait until after my braces were off to do the food challenge, because I knew braces are not conducive to eating fast and I would waste too much time picking food out of them.

As pizza is my absolute favorite food, a giant pizza challenge was an easy choice! I found a challenge down in Orlando where you and another person have to eat a 28” pizza in an hour. I recruited my brother, who also has a hearty appetite and creates tiktok videos about food. I called in advance to make sure we could do the challenge, and we could as long as it was in the afternoon hours after the lunch rush and before the dinner rush.

We arrived and scoped it out, they had a victory wall and a wall of failure – the failure wall had many, many more people than the victory wall. The pizza came out piping hot and we said we were going to give it a few minutes to cool down. The lady who brought it over said, “Please don’t puke in here or else we’ll have to stop doing the challenge.” I’m guessing that was a pretty frequent occurrence.

Once the pizza stopped steaming, we asked them to start the clock! Within the first 20 minutes, we had inhaled over half of the pizza. After that, it started to get difficult. I started saying the various mantras that I use during ultras and difficult runs, “The only way out is through,” “This is who I am, this is what I do,” “Keep fucking going,” etc. We managed to finish with about 15 minutes left on the clock and the employees there were very surprised.

In reviewing the footage, it looks like Kyle only ate one more slice than me, but he has insisted it was equal since we did some swapping of pieces as he liked the crusts more than the whole ones. I didn’t get hungry until the next day at dinnertime. Same with Kyle – and he ate pizza for dinner that night. I probably would have, too, lol.

The next challenge was a fail on my part. A local ice cream place has something they call the Bigfoot Challenge. In the challenge you eat 9 megascoops of ice cream and every topping they have, plus two brownies. AND you have to do it in 20 minutes. I ended up being able to put the ice cream down pretty easily, but the gummi bears required way too much chewing since they were cold. What finally got me in the end were the brownies. They were huge and super fudgy. I had less than half a brownie left when the timer ran out. If I’d had just a couple more minutes, I would have been able to finish. Bummer!


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