Badger 100 Race Report
Shae Shae

Badger 100 Race Report

No crew. No pacers. No drop bags. No problem. Except wait. That’s not right. Lots of problems. All the problems. I knew taking on a hundred miler just after Vol State was going to be a challenge. I figured it would be a physical challenge, that my body would be so run down my legs would give out 10 miles in. Though the reality was that it was much more of a mental challenge with a little bit of physical troubles thrown in. I had 8 days of recovery between my finish at Vol State and the start of Badger.

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Keys 100 Race Report
Shae Shae

Keys 100 Race Report

The Keys 100 is absolutely incredible and absolutely awful. Would I do it again? Fuck no. Am I glad I did it? Hell yes. If you’re looking for a good challenge, I highly suggest putting this race on your list.

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