Get My Faerie Tattoo Reworked & Relax in a Sensory Deprivation Tank

For my 15th birthday, my gift from my parents was a tattoo. I got this faerie! I've been wanting to get her refreshed and a little fixed up for years, so the 20th anniversary of getting this tattoo seemed like a great time to do it!

My mind is constantly going. I’ve tried many times to build up a steady meditation practice, but I can only do guided meditations that remind me to come back to my head several times. I’ll be down a mental rabbit hole before I even have a chance to breathe 10 times. I hoped that going into one of the sensory deprivation tanks would give me a chance to get out of my own head for a while.

The premise behind them is that they are filled with enough salt that you float, are dark (or gently lit if you choose), and there is no sound except for your breath and the water if you move your hands or feet at all. This one had 10” of water with 1000+ pounds of epsom salts in it.

I showered, put some earplugs in, and stepped into the pod. I elected to get in there naked rather than in a swimming suit, of course, and closed the lid. There was a soft glow from the lights inside, so I turned them off and started my soak.

It didn’t take too long for me to fall asleep. That is a constant problem I’ve had with meditation, I get way too relaxed way too quickly. I also did the same when I tried acupuncture in the past and I have a tendency to fall asleep during long tattoo sessions as well. Before I knew it, I was roused awake when my time was up, which is signaled by the pumps in the tank turning on.


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